D313 Who?



Detroit313 Clothing is all about good vibes. Good positive energy. How could we not when the love of CHRIST is the core value of our brand? Without CHRIST love we wouldn’t be able to have the level of love for our city, ourselves, this planet & I can go on. Blending all that love with our love for fashion too! Our desire to bring the absolute best to ourselves & customers in relation to quality apparel. We have an affluent taste over here. Which is why our motivation behind our brand is to bring that affluent taste & quality to the budget of us working class Kings & Queens. OK!. We all work hard daily & deserve the same luxurious garments the high-end stores offer, but too often not financially feasible. 
Who is D313? We were that dream deferred, but no longer. Understand though, even while that dream has been on hold in the sense of revealing ourselves to the masses. We have ALWAYS been working, researching & gradually investing in our dream. Severing our ties with always being in that “survival mode” way of life to now LIVING. We are fully walking in faith & in ALL our creative genius.  Fashion being a childhood love that was reignited in the last 15 years.  Introducing ourselves through T-shirt design was an obvious choice for me. Why? I understand the beauty of being able to non-verbally express your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, & VIBES through the freedom of fashion style. WE ARE JUST GETTING STARTED. We are beyond excited to be able to share all our hopes/dreams/missions with you too, so make sure to share your email. Until next time, forever D313.